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Port Players Theater Inc. Production Handbook

Congratulations on being cast in a Port Players production. This handbook is a guide to all of our policies and information on joining the cast. Both the student and parent should agree to all policies in the handbook. You will be asked to agree to this handbook when registering.


Port Players is a Non-Profit youth community theater program. As a professional actor with over 20 years of professional experience, I try to instill the same philosophy and expectations as a professional theater. This is an educational program. I will guarantee that the experience your child will receive from this program will prepare them for any outside community theater in the area. With that said, I take this job very seriously. There is plenty of room for fun, however, we do have a job to do.

  • What is the production fee for?
    There is a tuition fee to participate in the show. This helps with the cost of the copyrights of the show, rehearsal and performance space, sets, costumes and other production materials.
  • What are CALL BACKS?
    A call back is designed to help the production staff cast the show. You may be called back to sing a specific song or read for a specific character in the show. This is to help with casting only.
  • If I’m NOT CALLED BACK, does that mean I won’t get a leading role?
    NO. A call back just means we would like to hear more from you. Some children will not need a call back and we may already have you in mind for a character. The full cast list will be posted on the website, under Auditions.
  • When will the cast list be posted?
    The cast list is typically posted a day after call backs. It will be emailed to you as well as posted on our website, under Auditions.
  • What if my child will miss one or more of the rehearsals?
    If you have one or two conflicts, it is completely understandable. Please email the dates in which your child cannot attend rehearsal. If there are several conflicts, it will be difficult for your child and the rest of the cast to work together as a team and not fall behind. We ask that if you do have several conflicts that you pass on having your child participate in the show. It is important that the cast is complete in order for us to put on a successful musical. Please note that Tech Week is MANDATORY.
  • What if my child is going to be absent the day of rehearsal?
    If you have a same day absence or are going to be late, please do NOT email! Please TEXT only to 978-412-5456 to let us know.
  • What is Tech Week?
    Tech week is the week prior to the show. We will be adding rehearsals and there will be a mandatory DRESS rehearsal that week. Please keep this in mind regarding your schedule.
  • How will I know what we will be practicing at each rehearsal?
    We will be sending out a detailed schedule every TWO weeks. We try not to waste time and have children at rehearsal when they are not being used. As an example, we may hold an ALL CALL rehearsal from 6:00-7:30 and may only work with the leads from 7:30-9:00. We will do our best to accommodate, however, if there is any down time, we would like the kids to be working on their music and lines and respect their cast-mates by being quiet.
  • Will I have to provide a costume for my child?
    We have connections with a professional theater and they were very generous loaning us various costumes in the past. However, you may need to provide a basic costume for your child. We will do our best to provide what we can, however, it is not guaranteed that a costume will be provided for all.
  • How can I volunteer?
    We would greatly appreciate helpers during tech week and also during the actual show. In addition, we will sell concessions during intermission to help fund the program. A SignUp Genius will be sent out and we ask every family to volunteer for something.
  • Who do I contact if I have any questions?
    Please feel free to contact the Director, Liz Armano, with any questions at:
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